Since a Microsoft employee referred to Windows 10 as "the last version of Windows," referencing Windows Central, many Windows watchers believed for years that Windows 10 would be the final big-bang release of Windows, according to the story. Windows 10 May Update offers, among others, an improved Start menu and a new tool named Windows Sandbox.Windows 10 was updated twice a year with significant new features, as opposed to a significant release of features every three years in a new Windows version. Code-named “19H1”, it is the seventh Windows 10 version released by Microsoft in May 2019. Windows 10 version 1903 is also named Windows 10 May Update. Key changes include: Windows Defender Credential Guard is now compatible with ARM64 devices, enhanced Windows Sandbox capabilities, Windows Virtual Desktop is now available to all users, and more. This feature update doesn’t pack as many new features as previous releases. As its name suggests, Microsoft released it in November 2019. Windows 10 version 1909 is among the most popular and most used versions of Windows 10 currently available.

Windows 10 version 20H2 is the latest Windows 10 OS version, and it was released in October 2020.

Rumors back then were that this version was going to bring a major visual overhaul, which later turned out to be the Sun Valley project, which later transformed into Windows 11.

This operating system version is the latest one yet, and it was released by Microsoft in May 2021. Windows 10 v1909 (November 2019 Update).